YouTube - Rishhik Raajeev Bhyana
Name: Rishhik Raajeev Bhyana
Date: 9th October 2022
Title of the Post: youtube
Content of the post: Youtube is software where users share videos, and people can like, dislike and comment on the owner's video. People make money from youtube as well. Some YouTubers can make up to millions. It is used for educational and entertainment purposes. You can subscribe to a certain YouTuber who puts their videos in your recommendations and notifies you when they post a video. The format for youtube videos is normally 16:9 but if you're watching a short, it will be 9:16.You can also save a video that you want to watch later. You also can't copy someone's video and use it as your own unless you have their permission, this is known as copyright and if you have 3 copyright strikes your account will be deleted from youtube. In youtube you have a mode that is called incognito, this is when the videos you watch are not recorded and are kept private. Youtube was founded in 2005 by chad husley. It is estimated that there are over 2 billion accounts on youtube. It is also 100% free. Youtube is accessible on phones,iPad, and even laptops. For kids, there is an app named youtube kids. The channel which has the most subscribers is the t-series with more than 200 million subscribers. The first video was shared by Javed who is also one of the creators of youtube. The company that owns youtube is Google.
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